I’m fascinated by humans. I’m fascinated by people’s worldviews, fears, joys, and the big and small stories they have to share. That’s why I love music and other art. Art is the language through which we communicate what it is to be human.
Any meaningful art is challenging. I’m drawn to bands and artists whose style is independent, alternative, left-field, and explorative.
The music I work with can be ugly or pretty, loud or quiet, intricate or direct, hurting or soothing, solemn or humorous. It can be guitar-driven, electronic, or acoustic. But it can not be bland and unimaginative.
People hire me because I get it. I understand the artsy, weird, challenging stuff, and I make the mixes work. Understanding you, the artist, and your intentions with your music is the key to understanding how your music needs to sound to convey the story you want to share.
I want to hear what you’re working on. Shoot me an email and we’ll take it from there.
If you think I might be the right person to mix your music, click below and send me an email.